Educative Trails
Geopark – geoturism
Educative Trails

Educative geological bike trail MAGEO
MAGEO is an educative trail created in a cooperation with Společnost přátel Železných hor z. s.. MAGEO is an abbreviation for MAlý GEologický Okruh (in English: Small Geological Circuit). The bike trail starts in Přelouč and continues through the Iron Mountains Geopark. During 29 km long way, you can meet 13 information panels describing geological and natural heritage in the surroundings. The trail leads through Přelouč – train station, Mokošín, Brloh, Lipoltice, Sovolusky, Sovolusky – woods, Vápenka, Litošice, Krasnice, Morašice, Zdechovice, Chvaletice – lookout, Chvaletice – train station. The trail is suitable for children and recreational sportsmen. Map and profile of the trail are available below.
Detailed description of the route map – cz
Sample of the information board in Zdechovice – cz

Educative bike trail MAGMA
MAGMA is an abbreviation for MAlebný Geologický MAglajz (in English: Pictoresque Geological Mishmash). MAGMA is the first geological bike trail in the Czech Republic and leads you through geological history of the Iron Mountains. The trail goes from Hlinsko to Chrudim. During 56 kilometers, you can have a rest at 8 stops with information panels (Srní, Horní Bradlo, Nasavrky, Křižanovice, Lukavice, Škrovád, Rabštejnská Lhota and Píšťovy).

Granite Trail Horky
Granite trail takes you through the tradition of stonemasonry that the area of Skuteč is bound for centuries. The trail is 4.5 km long and has 17 stops. It Leads past several abandoned and flooded granite quarries. They provide lots of romantic nooks and also opportunities for bathing. The quarry Leštinka quarry is even hostes two diving bases.
Guide with a map can be picked up at the Municipal Museum in Skuteč or during working hours in Vodní zdroje Chrudim.
Link to our friendly web, where you can download the map of the trail (in Czech).

Doubrava river valley
From Bílek to Horní mlýn (Upper Mill) at Chotěboř stretches a rugged canyon Doubrava River valley cut through the hard orthogneisses. In the romantic valley you can see many geomorphological phenomena including steep rock walls, stone seas, rapids and waterfalls. There also live many protected species of flora and fauna. In 2014, the trail was reconstructed under the project of Iron Mountain – a geologically significant region.

Educative trail “Heřmanův Městec – the town of two seas”
3 kilometers long educative trail presents two faces of geological history of Heřmanův Městec. The trail leads through the park and you can take a printed guide in the information office.

Educative trail “Through Raškovice quarries”
Horní Raškovice is an old stonemason’s village, where building material and millstones were mined. The quartzite quarries are connected through the 2,2 km long educative trail, which describes the village history. The village of Raškovice facilities includes a recreation area with lookout tower Barborka and a playground. In June, traditional crafts of the Iron Mountains region are presented.

Educative trail “Vápenka”
Short educative trail around Polánka in the heart of the Iron Mountains presents the history of limestone mining and leads to remains of an old lime kiln. The educative trail offers romantic lookout points and wild landscape.

Educative trail “Around the Prachovice Quarry”
The educative trail leads from the Prachovice Quarry to Vápenný Podol. The trail includes 6 information panels that acquaints visitors with the past and presence of the quarry, rare fossils and minerals in the quarry, cave system in the surrounding and local rocks. The trail is suitable for children. The whole trail is equipped with fairytale characters. The trail was built in cooperation with Holcim Ltd (now CEMEX Ltd).

Geoattractions around Skuteč
Thanks to the city Skuteč five geologically attractive locations around Skuteč have been fitted with new information panels. These places are: St.Anne chapel. in Anenské valley, a former sand pit Malhošť south from Zbožnov, Rychmburk castle in the Předhradí village, Šilinkův důl in the Krounka river valley and next to the rococo Nové Hrady castle.