Permanent Exhibitions
Geopark – geoturism
Permanent Exhibitions

Outdoor geological Exhibition in Maleč
At the Basic and nursery school’s garden in Maleč was built an outdoor geological exhibition focused on rocks occurring in the region and within the Iron Mountains National Geopark. The exposition is freely accessible. There is also an information panel next to the exhibition.

Outdoor Geological Exhibition in Heřmanův Městec
The town of Heřmanův Městec is situated on the boundary of two different geological complexes. These complexes were flooded by sea in the geological past, so Heřmanův Městec is nicknamed the town of two seas.
The outdoor exhibition consists of ten blocks of rocks from the Iron Mountains Geopark. Each block is about a cubic meter and a part of the block was polished in order to see the rock structure. The exhibition is equipped with information panels about origin of displayed rocks, included minerals and deposits of the rocks in the surrounding. The other information panels provides information about the geology of Heřmanův Městec and general information about the Iron Mountains Geopark.

Geopark and Natural Garden “U Platanu” in Chotěboř
In 2012 the natural garden with geological exhibition called “U Platanu” was opened at High school in Chotěboř. Unique outdoor exhibition of rock takes you to the ancient history of the Earth, to the time when the solidified magma formed the continents and seas heaved. At one point you have the option of direct contact with the various rocks originating from Iron Mountains region. There you can learn, when and how different rocks were formed, or how important for humans they are. The exposition is open weekdays from 8 to 15 hours.

Pasíčka – Eastern Gateway to the Geopark
Next to the Rescue station and eco-center Pasíčka has been since May 2016 opened Visitor Center of Iron Mountains National Geopark – eastern gateway to the Geopark. It is a freely accessible facility with gaming and educational elements focused on geology and paleontology. Here you can dig up a dinosaur skeleton from the sand, explore different kinds of fossils or learn how a sandstone town was build. There has been also installed geological exhibition of granite rocks originating from the Iron Mountains Geopark.
Outdoor Geological Exposure in Kovářov
The outdoor exposure of rocks representing the geological diversity in the area is situated in front of the Museum of Rural in Kovářov. Kovářov is known mainly as a starting point for horse riding, which one can pass from a local ranch. There is also a Farmer’s shop offering certified regional products from the Iron Mountains region.

Berl´s Kiln – Museum of Lime Works
The reconstruction of the Berl´s Kiln in Závratec u Třemošnice was finished in 2010. The exhibition of the Museum of Lime Works was opened on 19th june 2010. The most important exhibit is the building itself. Visitors can observe a unique lift for kiln filling and enter the heart of lime kiln. In the past, the lime kiln was supplied via unique limestone ropeway. The exhibition is equipped with information panels providing details about the history of lime works, lime kiln in Závratec, cement factory in Prachovice and regional geology. Moreover, geological exhibits from the Iron Mountains Geopark are displayed there.
Opening hours:
May – September (Thursday- Sunday) 10:00–18:00
March, April, October (Saturday – Sunday) 9:00–17:00
Berlova vápenka, U Vápenky 498, 538 43 Třemošnice, tel.: +420 461 105 405

The Municipal Museum in Skuteč – The Museum of Footwear and Stone
Due to the old tradition of stonemasonry in Skuteč, the interior and exterior exhibition presents stonemasonry today and in the past. The interior exhibition deals with the history of granite mining and the geology of Skuteč and its surroundings. The exterior exhibition imitates a walk in a quarry. Visitors can experience all the operation in a quarry from mining to processing and try old tools that are used in quarries until now.
Opening hours:
Monday – Sunday 9:00–12:00, 13:00–17:00

Geoexposure in Svitavy
Geopark extends its activities even beyond its boundaries.
In the autumn of 2014, the geoexhibition in the Park of Patriots in Svitavy was opened. The exposure acquaints visitors with rocks originating from the Svitavy region. It contains 10 rock blocks with descriptive tags and educational boards, which approximate the geological conditions of Svitavy region.